Aquatic Therapy Strength Training Benefits for the Leg Strength of Children with Cerebral Palsy




Quick, Elizabeth

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Augusta University


The purpose of this thesis is to track the aspects and results of applying aquatic therapy strength training exercises to children with cerebral palsy and determine whether or not the therapy is beneficial for leg strengthening in comparison to a usual physical therapy clinical setting. The experiment was carried out twice a week, for 12 weeks. Two groups of six children with cerebral palsy participated in the experiment, in which they were administered leg strengthening exercises. The control group was administered a set of exercises in a normal physical therapy clinical environment. The experimental group was administered a similar set of exercises in an aquatic therapy setting. The results showed no statistically significant data supporting that aquatic therapy leg strengthening exercises benefited the children more than the usual physical therapy leg strengthening exercises did. The results did however suggest that aquatic therapy is similarly effective to usual physical therapy in improving the leg strength of children with cerebral palsy.


