The Beeper [2001 Vol. 11, No. 15]




Sipple, Katja
Baker, Toni
Douglass, Michele A.

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Self-defense classes help women fight back; Study evaluates new approach to treating babies with Meconium Aspiration; Dr. Shekhawat, neonatologist, researcher, joins MCG faculty; MCG center for sports medicine co-sponsors the junior lynx; Students represents Augusta at international outh sporting event; Dr. Weisser receives academic psychiatry junior faculty development award; Augusta's first PET scanner arrives at MCG; MCG students experience Cuban health care system; Special events coordinator joins MCG staff.



Self-Defense, MCG Public Safety Division, Crans, Phil, Rape, Biles, Lantz, CMC, Bhatia, Jatinder J., Section of Neonatology, Shekhawat, Prem S., Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mellick, Larry B., Department of Emergency Medicine, MCG Center for Sports Medicine, Lambert, Judd, Barton, Kristy, MCG Foundation, Inc., Weisser, Lydia E., Association for Academic Psychiatry, Gerald, Fitz, MCG Hospital and Clinics, PET Scanner, Rawson, James V., Department of Radiology, Bergeron, Michael F., MCG Georgia Prevention Institute, American College of Sports Medicine, Flannery, Ann M., Georgia Neurosurgical Society, School of Medicine, Cuba, Woo, Rebecca, American Medical Women's Association, Henson, Scott, Division of Institutional Relations


The Beeper, 2001, Vol. 11, No. 15

