Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, & Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Institutional Guidelines for Faculty Review & Development


7.13.4 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, & Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Institutional Guidelines for Faculty Review & Development: This policy describes the annual review process for full-time and part-time faculty at Georgia Health Sciences University and includes procedures for establishment of a Faculty Development Plan based on the results of the annual review. It also describes the post-tenure review process and establishment of a Post-Tenure Development Plan. The policy includes a process by 'Mlich faculty can appeal annual review or post-tenure review decisions and includes the terms of contract and renewal notice for non-tenure faculty and personnel.


7.0 Faculty Affairs


Faculty Affairs, Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion and Tenure (FADPT), promotion, tenure, faculty development, Institutional Guidelines, review, policy
