Perceived effects on the family system when a wife/mother returns to school as reported by returnee




Jackson, Jo Anne Christian

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The foc~s of this study was the· female's ret~rn to school and her petception of its effect·on the family system. A tota~ of ·twenty females, selected through a snowball effect,· were interviewed ·in their homes. An interview technique· with demographic questionnaire 'Was utilized. The results of the st.udy indicated that the return to school had various similarities for the female. The suppoit 6f . . ·. spouse and f~mily was viewe~ as crucial. Di.~ision.of · labor d-id not change drastically nor did. t'ime spent with families. Quality of time with family.became more important and.the most positive effect of the return to school was seen as the increased interqction between husband and children. The study has implications for educators, counselors, health car~ providers and the families~ The greatest implication of the. study is the fact that the return to school. was viewed by most women in this study as being positive.



Spouses, Surveys and Questionnaires, Demography
