The Crosstalk between Del-1 and IL-23 in periodontitis: A novel therapeutic modality




Khodadadi, Hesam
Emami, Golnaz
Salles, Evila
Ghaly, Mira
Mozaffari, Mahmood
Baban, Babak

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Periodontitis is a prevalent disorder with impairment of immune and inflammatory responses contributing importantly to its pathogenesis. In fact it is it is the host response to the biofilm that destroys the periodontium in the pathogenesis of the disease. As our understanding of pathways of inflammation has matured, however, the precise molecular and cellular basis of resolution of inflammation remain uncleared. DEL-1 (developmental endothelial locus-1) is a secreted multidomain protein that inhibits leukocyte–endothelial adhesion, binding to the LFA-1 integrin resulted in suppression of inflammatory responses. The expression of Del-1 is shown to be inhibited by the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17. One of the major cytokines which has been shown to be a key protein for expression and maintenance of IL-17 is IL-23. The relationship between Del-1 and IL-23 is remained unknown. Based on our preliminary data, we investigated the interaction between Del-1 and IL-23 in a murine model of periodontitis.


