Development/enhancement of the assessment (monitoring and evaluation) knowledge and skills of workers in public health and related settings




Telfair, Joseph

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Georgia Public Health Association


Background: A critical task of public health is the development and assessment of programs to address needs, concerns and issues of populations. The overall purpose of this workshop is to enhance the core public health workforce functional knowledge and skills (competencies) in the areas of program development and evaluation leading to improvements in population health and reducing health disparities. Methods: The hour long workshop will serve as an introduction and review of methods of program monitoring and assessment (M & A). The training approach will be an oral presentation with PowerPoint slides and hands -on practice that will include review of M & A terminology and review of M & A basic methodologies. Results: (Outcomes) Participants will become familiar with the basic terms and methods of program monitoring and assessment (M & A). Conclusions: The topics of this workshop will primarily benefit state and local health departments and public health districts that share services and face challenges in building or enhancing their functional public health knowledge and skills, improvement efforts and the documentation of those efforts.



basic assessment, monitoring, evaluation
