MCG Today [2006 Vol.34 No.2]




Brown, Caryl C.
Baker, Toni
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Humphrey, Deborah
Miller, Kimberly
Hilliard, Jennifer
Walls, Sharron C.
Duva, Tony

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Medical College of Georgia


Table of Contents: 2 Newsbriefs; 7 The Results Are In...:Market research verified MCG's excellent reputation; 8 2006 State of the University Address: President Rahn cites MCG's growing role in the statewide landscape; 16 Speaking the Same Language: An NIH planning grant will expedite translational research; 19 A Jumpstart for Business: The MCG incubator ramps up biomedical business in the community and state; 22 Double Whammy?: A study explores schizophrenics risk of diabetes; 24 Giving Voice to Schizophrenia: Brian's story reflects the human toll of a devastating disease; 27 Back in Control: A bladder pacemaker improved quality of life; 28 Out and About: A web site brings accessibility information to the disabled; 30 Innovation in Education: A nobel biocare contract will strengthen the dental school's mission; 32 Something to Smile About: A new dental implant induces bone regeneration; 34 Profile in Giving: Col. Gwendolyn Fryer: 'The Faculty Challenged me to Excel.'; 35 Gift Planning: Your IRA can help optimize MCG's mission; 36 Newsmakers and New Faces; 38 Class Notes; 41 Reflections: Who will care for us?



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