The Beeper [2001 Vol. 11, No. 1]




Baker, Toni
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Shipp, Karen
Steele, Deborah

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: MLK celebration slated Jan. 12; Human resources division aims for optimal service; Researchers identify new pathway for erectile treatment; MCG raises $125,000-plus for charitable contributions program; MCG HealthCare launches physician-equipped helicopter service; Police bureau update; Wellness center will change shape of campus; Nursing students elected officers of association; Course helps nursing students respond to needs of elderly; Deans' Symposium slated Jan. 30; MCG dentists cites shortage of pediatric dentists.



Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Adair, Steven, Deans' Symposium, Sohal, Gurkirpal S., Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy, Mishoe, Shelley C., Department of Respiratory Therapy, Baker, Randy, School of Allied Health Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, School of Nursing, Green, Cathy, Department of Community Nursing, Jones, Kristi, Elderly Patients, Georgia Association of Nursing Students, MCG Wellness Center, Butterbaugh, Randy, Community, MCG HealthCare, Coule, Phillip, AirMed, Helicopter, Schneider, Tom, MCG Hospital, State Charitable Contributions Program, Campbell, Carol, Department of Health Information Management, Fundraising, Erectile Dysfunction, Mills, Thomas M., Section of Urology, Lewis, Ronald W., Walker, Solomon W., MCG Human Resources Department, MLK, Malinga, Purity


The Beeper, 2001, Vol. 11, No. 1

