The Beeper [2000 Vol. 10, No. 4]
Baker, Toni
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Steele, Deborah
Simkins, Sally L.
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Medical College of Georgia
Features this week include: Gamma Knife arrives at MCG; Augustans urged to participate in census; First Lady visits child care center; Lifestyle directly related to Type-II diabetes; Many factors can cause irregular menstruation; Hitting the job market? Think like a boy scout; Department aims to eliminate health disparities; Facial development topic of Deans' Symposium; Donated beanie babies bring lots of smiles; Mortez meeting scheduled March 3-4; Hospital administration rolls sleeves up to pitch in; Osteoporosis affects both men, women.
MCG Purchasing Department, National Institute of Government Purchasing Examination, Johnson, Peggy, Tanksiey, Margaret, Walling, Elvie, Osteoporosis, Mulloy, Anthony L., Metabolic Bone Disease Center, Tillman, Rose, Echelberger, Scott, MCG Hospital and Clinics, A Day in the Life Program, O'Leary, J. Patrick, Cohn, Isidore Jr., William H. Moretz Surgical Society, White, Shelia L., Office of Clinical Trials and Compliance, Beanie Babies, Children's Miracle Network, Sweat, Clark, Deans' Symposium, Helms, Jill A., Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stinson, Nathan Jr., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Disparities, Mitchum, Lisa, MCG Human Resources Department, Job Hunting, Stewart, Karen, PMS and Menopause Clinic, Lee, Mark R., Section of Neurosurgery, Hess, David C., Department of Neurology, Turner, Saundra, Type Two Diabetes, Lifestyle, Barnes, Marie, Barnes, Roy, Child Care Center, Walker, Sol, Census, CMC, Gamma Knife, Medical Technology
The Beeper, 2000, Vol. 10, No. 4