The Beeper [1998 Vol. 8, No. 23]
Baker, Toni
Simkins, Sally L.
Deriso, Christine Hurley
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Medical College of Georgia
Features this week include: Marijuana not effective in control of glaucoma, MCG researcher writes in professional journal; Donors honored by blood donor program; Students compete for blood donations; Medical volunteers sought in Georgia games; Muscle growth and working out to be discussed; Nurse come to aid of assault victims; Tree lightning to mark beginning of move to CMC; Watch that medication for a child's fever; Babies should sleep on their back; MCG to offer degree programs at Columbus State University; Students' art on exhibit; PV vaccine study; Geriatric services; Students seek aid food, clothing for hurricane victims in Honduras.
Honduras, Hurricane Mitch, Disaster Relief, Students for Intercultural Medicine, MCG Human Resources Department, Sterner, Sarah, Aldridge, Betty, Office of Grants and Contracts, MCG Center for Senior Health, Geriatric Services, Ferris, Darron, Department of Family Medicine, Woodward, Lisa D., MCG Hospital and Clinics, Art, Distance Learning, Columbus State University, School of Allied Health Sciences, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Benjamin, John, CMC, Pediatrics, Wilde, Jim, Fever-Reducing Medication, Mortez, Julie G., Kids Architectural and Recreational Team, CMC Move, Hatmaker, Debbie, School of Nursing, Department of Parent-Child Nursing, Assault, McNeil, Paul L., Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy, Deans' Symposia, Gambrell, David, Volunteers, MCG Center for Sports Medicine, Truemper, Edward J., MCG Blood Donor Program, Marijuana, Glaucoma, Green, Keith
The Beeper, 1998, Vol. 8, No. 23