Self-Perceived and Actual Competence of Registered Nurses' Evaluations of Electronic Fetal Monitoring Strips
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The·. relationship between self-perceived and. actual competence . . . . . of 16 registered nurses' evaluations of electronic- fetal monitoring ' . ' - . strips was 'exainfned 1n a 12-bed labor' an'd delive-ry u~it 1n a 7ob~bed' general hospi ~al·.in ·east .dentra 1 . G~o rg.ta. · The :nurses were admi nistered three structur~d inStruments:· The Demographic Data Questi ·a~nai re, Se·l f-Assessment of El ectro·n.i.c Fetal· Monitoring Ski 11 s, and . . ~ . . . . ~ . . ' - . •" . . . ' . . . Electronic· Fetal ·.~onitciring Ski 11 s Asse.ssment. Data were ·analyzed using Pearson 's· product moment. corre·l ati on· coefficient, and one-way . · analyses: 'of variance .. The: findings showed no. significant relati.o·nsh.ip between-overall l • • : • se.l·rcei ved and actua 1 competenc·e among labor and delivery room nurses' eva·l uations of .EFM strips ( r = -0 .2·295, .E> .05). There was no· s i gni fi ca~t re 1 at ionsh·i p between n.urses •· 6vera 11 . self-·percei ved · ·. -~ompetence-when. eva:l.uating EFM.stri'ps :and (1) 1ength . o.femployment . - ' .- ' . - . experienc:e fn.·labor·and delivery_settings, .and (2') elapsed.time since electronic fetal monitoring educq.t·ion .. A significant relationship·· did exist between self-perceived-competence in dist.inguishing be: t~een ~ar1y, va·rtab1e,··and··late 'decelerations 'a,nd. (1) exp_erien.ce. in' ·.·labor and delivery ~.ettings·, and (2) elapsed time sinceelectronic. feta 1 m6ni tori ng educat i·on.